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Spend Data Management in Sievo: Classification, Exclusion and Governance

Spend Data Management in Sievo: Classification, Exclusion and Governance

Learn about classification, supplier consolidation, spend exclusion and governance

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About this course

On this course you will

- Learn how the Sievo classification model works

- Learn how exclusions are managed in Sievo Spend Analytics and how you can maintain exclusion decisions yourself in the Sievo Exclusion tool

- Learn what are heuristics, classification feedback tool and AI and how these methods function together

- Learn how users can give classification feedback directly in Analytics and how feedback and approval user accesses are managed

- Learn how to investigate classification decisions and reasons behind them

- Learn about the Classification Governance Model

- Learn how suppliers are consolidated in Sievo

- Learn how periodic data imports are managed and how to validate new data

Curriculum41 min

  • Spend exclusion
  • How spend exclusions work in Sievo 1 min
  • Exclusion logic 1 min
  • Using the exclusion tool 5 min
  • Reviewing excluded data 3 min
  • Classification
  • Introduction to classification 2 min
  • Classification in Sievo 3 min
  • Classification tools & AI 4 min
  • Classification Feedback tool 5 min
  • Classification explanation dashboard 1 min
  • How to use Classification explanation dashboard 7 min
  • Classification governance
  • Classification governance model 2 min
  • Feedback tool classification permissions 3 min
  • Continuous data management
  • Data import process 1 min
  • Spend validation dashboard 1 min
  • Supplier consolidation 1 min
  • Course Quiz
  • Spend Data Management Quiz

About this course

On this course you will

- Learn how the Sievo classification model works

- Learn how exclusions are managed in Sievo Spend Analytics and how you can maintain exclusion decisions yourself in the Sievo Exclusion tool

- Learn what are heuristics, classification feedback tool and AI and how these methods function together

- Learn how users can give classification feedback directly in Analytics and how feedback and approval user accesses are managed

- Learn how to investigate classification decisions and reasons behind them

- Learn about the Classification Governance Model

- Learn how suppliers are consolidated in Sievo

- Learn how periodic data imports are managed and how to validate new data

Curriculum41 min

  • Spend exclusion
  • How spend exclusions work in Sievo 1 min
  • Exclusion logic 1 min
  • Using the exclusion tool 5 min
  • Reviewing excluded data 3 min
  • Classification
  • Introduction to classification 2 min
  • Classification in Sievo 3 min
  • Classification tools & AI 4 min
  • Classification Feedback tool 5 min
  • Classification explanation dashboard 1 min
  • How to use Classification explanation dashboard 7 min
  • Classification governance
  • Classification governance model 2 min
  • Feedback tool classification permissions 3 min
  • Continuous data management
  • Data import process 1 min
  • Spend validation dashboard 1 min
  • Supplier consolidation 1 min
  • Course Quiz
  • Spend Data Management Quiz