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Materialien auf Deutsch
Eine Sammlung von Materialien der Sievo Academy, die mithilfe maschineller Übersetzungen ins Deutsche übersetzt wurden.
Matériaux en français
Une collection de documents de la Sievo Academy traduit en français à l'aide de traductions automatiques.
Materiales en español
Una colección de materiales de Sievo Academy traducido al español mediante traducción automática.
Materiais em português
Uma coleção de materiais da Sievo Academy traduzido para português utilizando traduções automáticas.
Introduction to CO2 Analytics
Learn about the benefits of what Sievo's CO2 analytics can bring to your organization and understand how the CO2 footprint is calculated at Sievo.
6 min
Course CO2 Analytics catalog-second-section solutions-fifth-section English
Introduction to Contract Compliance
Learn how Sievo's Contract Compliance solution can benefit your organization
1 min
Course catalog-first-section Contract Compliance solutions-twelfth-section English
Introduction to Realized Savings Measurement
Learn what benefits Sievo's Realized Savings Measurement can bring to you organization.
1 min
Course catalog-second-section Realized Savings Measurement solutions-tenth-section English
Introduction to Supplier Analytics
Discover the benefits of Sievo's Supplier Analytics - combine external data with your internal purchasing data with these different solutions.
4 min
Course Sustainability Supplier Risk Diversity solutions-sixth-section English
Latest estimates and pipeline view
Learn the value of Sievo's Saving overview dashboard
6 min
Savings Course catalog-second-section Savings Program Management English
Global Bookmarks
Learn how to use global bookmarks and add your bookmark to be visible to everyone in your organization.
2 min
Course Super user General English
Introducción al programa de certificación de usuario de Sievo Spend Analytics
Roni Koskinen, gerente de productos del grupo, le da la bienvenida al programa de certificación de usuario de Spend Analytics de Sievo y le brinda orientación para iniciar su viaje con Sievo.
1 min
Spend analytics Course Spanish
User Manual: CO2e Insights Overview
Learn how Sievo CO2 analytics works and how to find insights from your data
CO2 Analytics catalog-third-section Handbook English
Introduction to Payment Terms
Learn about the benefits of Sievo's Payment Term solution
1 min
Course Payment term tracking catalog-second-section solutions-eighth-section English
Parcours d'apprentissage de Savings Program Management
Apprenez les bases de la gestion des programmes d’épargne. Le parcours d'apprentissage comprend également des leçons concernant les fonctions d'analyse de base de Sievo et la manière de suivre les réductions d'émissions de CO2 dans SPM.
3 Courses
Learning path Savings Program Management French
Introduction to Classification
Hear about what tips Anastasia, a Data Management Consultant at Sievo, has for you regarding the spend data classifications.
1 min
Course Classification solutions-second-section English
Certificado de usuário do Sievo Spend Analytics
O caminho do certificado de usuário do Spend Analytics consiste em cursos envolventes que ajudarão todos os usuários a usar o Sievo e começar a transformar insights analíticos em ação. No final, os alunos verificarão seus conhecimentos com um exame final.
9 Courses
Learning path Spend analytics Certificate Portuguese
Introduction to Sievo Savings Program Management
Listen Julius Seppänen, SPM Product Manager introducing Sievo's Savings Program Management and its benefits to you.
2 min
Course Savings Program Management solutions-third-section English
Comment consulter la classification des dépenses d'un fournisseur
Dans ce cours, vous apprendrez à examiner la classification des dépenses d'un fournisseur spécifique.
5 min
Course Classification French
Certificado de usuario de Sievo Spend Analytics
La ruta del Certificado de usuario de Spend Analytics consta de cursos atractivos que ayudarán a todos los usuarios a utilizar Sievo y comenzar a convertir los conocimientos analíticos en acción. Al final, los alumnos verificarán sus conocimientos con un examen final.
10 Courses
Learning path Spend analytics Certificate Spanish
Savings Program Management Playbook
Introduction to Sievo Savings Program Management, including project input form, analytics dashboards and approval workflow & notifications and how to track emission reduction initiatives in SPM.
SPM auto-reg Playbook Savings Program Management catalog-third-section English
Lernpfad von Sievo Savings Program Management
Lernen Sie die Grundlagen des Sparprogrammmanagements. Der Lernpfad umfasst auch Lektionen zu den grundlegenden Sievo-Analysefunktionen und zur Verfolgung von CO2-Emissionsreduzierungen in SPM.
3 Courses
Learning path Savings Program Management German
Learn how to use the Sievo Sustainability dashboard and scorecards. Learn how to see the high-level picture of your suppliers’ sustainability, as well as make actions for improving your company’s sustainability.
13 min
Course Sustainability ESG catalog-second-section solutions-sixth-section English
Supplier Analytics Playbook
Overview of Sustainability, Diversity & Supplier Risk modules, including examples of preferred 3rd party data providers and how to request supplier assessment from Ecovadis directly from Sievo.
Responsible sourcing Sustainability Supplier Risk Diversity auto-reg Playbook catalog-third-section English
Certificat d'utilisateur de Sievo Spend Analytics
Le parcours du certificat d'utilisateur de Sievo Spend Analytics comprend des cours attrayants qui aideront tous les utilisateurs à utiliser Sievo et à commencer à transformer les informations analytiques en action. Au final, les apprenants vérifieront leurs connaissances par un examen final.
10 Courses
Learning path Spend analytics Certificate French
Benutzerzertifikat von Sievo Spend Analytics
Der Lernpfad für das Sievo Spend Analytics-Benutzerzertifikat besteht aus spannenden Kursen, die allen Benutzern helfen, Sievo zu nutzen und Analytics-Erkenntnisse in die Tat umzusetzen. Am Ende überprüfen die Lernenden ihr Wissen mit einer Abschlussprüfung.
10 Courses
Learning path Spend analytics Certificate German
Savings Program Management Learning Path
Learn the basics of Savings Program Management. Learning path consists of the following courses: Basics of Savings Program Management, How to track CO2 emission reductions in SPM and Get Started with Sievo
3 Courses
Basics Savings SPM Learning path Onboarding catalog-first-section catalog-first-section-sav English
Comment suivre les réductions d'émissions de CO2e dans Sievo SPM
À l'aide de cette vidéo, vous apprendrez à utiliser la gestion des programmes d'économies de Sievo pour suivre les projets de réduction des émissions.
3 min
SPM Course French
Ruta de aprendizaje del Savings Program Management
Conozca los conceptos básicos de la gestión de programas de ahorro. La ruta de aprendizaje incluye también lecciones sobre las funciones analíticas básicas de Sievo y cómo realizar un seguimiento de las reducciones de emisiones de CO2 en SPM.
3 Courses
Learning path Savings Program Management Spanish
Sievo Spend Analytics - what’s in it for me?
Watch this short video to learn about the benefits of Sievo Spend Analytics
2 min
Spend analytics Course solutions-first-section English
Self service
In this course you'll learn how to create your own charts using Sievo self service, allowing you to do powerful analysis from any angle
6 min
Course General English
Get to know the basics of how classifications are managed in Sievo through five lessons.
22 min
Spend analytics Course catalog-second-section Classification solutions-second-section English spend-third-section
Basics of Spend Analytics
In this course we'll discuss what spend analysis means and go through how spend is defined in Sievo.
9 min
Basics Spend analytics Onboarding Course catalog-second-section solutions-first-section English spend-second-section
Navigating Sievo Analytics
In this course, you will be walked through the basics of using Analytics in Sievo - navigating the dashboards, applying selections, and saving bookmarks.
7 min
Course General English
Introduction to the Spend Analytics User Certificate Program
Group Product Manager Roni Koskinen welcomes you to Sievo's Spend Analytics User Certificate Program and gives guidance to kickstarting your Sievo journey!
1 min
Spend analytics Course English
Self Service GenAI Assistant, Open Beta
Information about moving the GenAI Assistant feature to Open Beta and FAQ
Super user English
Basics of CO2 Analytics
Learn how to use the key functionalities of the Sievo's CO2 solution, including the mapping tool and our CO2e insights overview.
19 min
Course CO2 Analytics ESG catalog-second-section solutions-fifth-section English
Basics of PO Analytics
Learn the basics of PO Analytics, including PO vs invoice variance, process optimization, process compliance and PO price opportunities.
11 min
Course catalog-second-section PO Analytics solutions-fourth-section English amat-second-section
Supplier Risk Analytics
Learn how you can leverage Sievo Supplier Risk Analytics for analyzing your risk position by supplier, category, business unit and more. Track global KPIs and dive into individual supplier scorecards.
8 min
Course Supplier Risk catalog-second-section solutions-sixth-section English amat-third-section
Live Training: Category Spend Analysis
Category perspective to your spend - learn how analytics can help you build and evaluate a category strategy for direct or indirect category
28 min
Spend analytics English spend-fourth-section Live Training amat-third-section
Live Training: Sievo Self Service & Analytics tips
This training series is an introduction to using the powerful self service in Sievo, also covering filtering and selections tips and using other helpful Sievo tools
96 min
General English Live Training livetraining-first-section amat-first-section
Supplier Diversity Analytics
Learn how to monitor the diversity status of your supplier base, track your diverse spend and see the diversity types and certificates of your diverse suppliers.
9 min
Course ESG Diversity catalog-second-section solutions-sixth-section English amat-third-section
FAQ: Classification Feedback Tool
Find answers to the frequently asked questions regarding Classification Feedback Tool, including permissions, validation and approvals
7 min
Spend analytics auto-reg Super user catalog-second-section Classification Feedback tool Classification FAQ solutions-second-section English spend-third-section amat-second-section
Live Training: Supplier Spend Analysis
Focus on supplier - what to consider when evaluating either a direct or indirect supplier and preparing for a supplier negotiation.
26 min
Spend analytics Course catalog-second-section English spend-fourth-section Live Training amat-third-section
Live Training: Optimize and negotiate payment terms
Find out how you can impact your working capital by looking into payment terms opportunities, simulating payment terms impact and getting visibility into early and late payments
26 min
Spend analytics Course catalog-second-section English spend-fourth-section Live Training amat-third-section
Spend FAQ & Glossary
Find answers to the frequently asked questions regarding Spend Analytics and a glossary of the most important spend metrics.
10 min
Spend analytics Super user catalog-second-section General FAQ Glossary solutions-first-section English spend-second-section amat-second-section
Live Training: Process optimization
Focus on Process optimization - Tail spend​, PO consolidation​ & Maverick buying
28 min
Spend analytics catalog-second-section English spend-fourth-section Live Training amat-third-section
Insights Overview Deep Dive
Learn how insights in Sievo work and how to use each of them to find opportunities easily.
55 min
Spend analytics Course catalog-second-section Insights overview solutions-first-section English spend-second-section amat-second-section
PO Analytics Glossary
Find a glossary of the most important PO Analytics terms and metrics.
5 min
catalog-second-section PO Analytics Glossary solutions-fourth-section English amat-second-section
Get Started with Sievo
In this course, you will be walked through the basics of using Analytics in Sievo - navigating the dashboards, applying selections, creating your own charts using self service and craftboards, and saving bookmarks.
17 min
Basics Onboarding Course home-first-section General English amat-first-section
Spend Analytics User Certificate
The Spend Analytics User Certificate path consists of engaging courses that will help all users to take Sievo into use and start turning analytics insights into action. In the end, learners will verify their knowledge with a final exam.
10 Courses
Learning path Spend analytics Certificate English spend-first-section amat-second-section
FAQ: Powerful filters & search
Overview of search and filter functions and tips to efficient usage of search
2 min
General FAQ English amat-first-section
Market Benchmarking Playbook
Introduction to Sievo Market Benchmarking, including information on benchmarking methodologies, overview of the analytics dashboards and details of what is happening under the hood.
auto-reg Market benchmarking Playbook catalog-third-section English
Introduction to PO Analytics
Learn the benefits Sievo's PO Analytics can bring to your organization.
1 min
Course Payment term tracking catalog-second-section PO Analytics solutions-fourth-section English
Sievo Software Demo
Sievo demo in 2 minutes
2 min
public-first-section English
Introduction to the Spend Analytics User Certificate Program
Group Product Manager Roni Koskinen welcomes you to Sievo's Spend Analytics User Certificate Program and gives guidance to kickstarting your Sievo journey!
1 min
Sievo Insights Hub
Learn how to make high-impact decisions and drive automated actions with Sievo Insights Hub
3 min
public-first-section English
Introduction to Classification
Hear about what tips Anastasia, a Data Management Consultant at Sievo, has for you regarding the spend data classifications.
1 min
public-second-section English
Delivery Performance Playbook
Introduction to Sievo's Delivery Performance dashboards, KPI parameters and tips on how to use filters and search.
auto-reg Playbook catalog-third-section Delivery Performance English
Basics of Contract Compliance
Learn how to combine your contract data with Sievo's analytics and track progress towards higher contract coverage.
6 min
Course catalog-first-section Contract Compliance solutions-twelfth-section English
Payment Terms Deep Dive
Learn how to track payment terms, find opportunities for working capital improvements and do scenario analysis
18 min
Course PTT Payment term Payment term tracking catalog-second-section solutions-eighth-section English
CO2 Analytics Playbook
Overview of the Sievo CO2 Analytics dashboards, key functionalities and emission calculation methods as well as examples of Sievo categories mapped to CO2 emissions.
CO2 Analytics ESG auto-reg Playbook catalog-third-section English
Basics of Delivery Performance
In this course we'll explore the Performance overview, Supplier performance and Order-to-delivery dashboards under Sievo's Delivery Performance module.
6 min
catalog-second-section Delivery Performance solutions-ninth-section English
New Supplier Service introduction
Information package about the upcoming new supplier service and what to expect from the migration
5 min
auto-reg Super user English
User Management
In this course you'll learn how user access management in Sievo works and how super user can invite users, accept SSO user requests, and manage user roles and security scopes.
17 min
Course User management Super user English
Caminho de aprendizagem de Savings Program Management
Aprenda os fundamentos do gerenciamento do programa de poupança. O caminho de aprendizagem inclui também lições sobre as funções analíticas básicas do Sievo e como rastrear as reduções de emissões de CO2 no SPM.
3 Courses
Learning path Savings Program Management Portuguese
Sievo Spend Analytics - what’s in it for me?
Watch this short video to learn about the benefits of Sievo Spend Analytics.
2 min
public-first-section English
CO2 Analytics FAQ & Glossary
Find answers to the frequently asked questions regarding CO2 Analytics and a glossary of the most important terms and metrics.
8 min
CO2 Analytics catalog-second-section FAQ Glossary solutions-fifth-section English
Case study: Hikma and CO2 Analytics
Read about how Hikma improves their scope 3 carbon emission visibility with Sievo
7 min
CO2 Analytics ESG auto-reg catalog-third-section Case study English
User Manual: CO2 Methodology, Mapping Tool and Historization Logic
This manual will give you details on how the GHG calculations are done at Sievo, what methodologies are used and how the CO2 mapping tool works.
CO2 Analytics catalog-third-section Handbook English
Case study: Deutsche Telekom and CO2 Analytics
Read how Sievo CO2 Analytics aids Deutsche Telekom in achieving carbon neutrality by providing a single source of truth for Scope 3 emissions, making CO2 emissions the new currency.
7 min
CO2 Analytics auto-reg catalog-third-section Case study English
Introduction to Market Benchmarking
Learn how Sievo's Market Benchmarking solution can benefit your organization
1 min
Course Market benchmarking catalog-second-section solutions-eleventh-section English
Introduction to Delivery Peformance
Learn how Sievo's Delivery Performance solution can benefit your organization
1 min
Course catalog-second-section Delivery Performance solutions-ninth-section English
FAQ: User Management
Find answers to the most common questions we hear around user management
2 min
auto-reg User management Super user FAQ English
Spend Data Management in Sievo: Classification, Exclusion and Governance
Learn about classification, supplier consolidation, spend exclusion and governance
41 min
Course English
Classification User Management
In this course you'll learn how classification user management in Sievo works and how super user can setup classification rights and responsibilities in their organisation.
7 min
Spend analytics Course User management Super user solutions-second-section English
Spend Analytics Exercises​ ​
Would you like to take your learning into action? With this course we’ll take you through the different types of Spend Analytics exercises to put your skills in test. ​
Spend analytics Super user catalog-second-section Exercises English spend-second-section
User Manual - Assign Reviewer of Reclassification Request
Learn the changed logic of the 'reviewer column' and how to use the dropdown to assign request
catalog-third-section Classification Handbook English spend-fifth-section
Ultimate Guide to Procurement Cost Savings
This white paper explains the five major approaches to cost savings in procurement. These strategies range from hard savings to soft or cost avoidance approaches and everything in between.
Savings Spend analytics auto-reg Savings Program Management catalog-third-section Whitepaper English spend-fifth-section
Spend Analytics Playbook
Introduction to Sievo Spend Analytics, including an overview of analytics dashboards, payment terms as well as classification analytics and feedback tool.
spend auto-reg Playbook catalog-third-section English spend-fifth-section
Insights Overview Handbook
Introduction to Insights Overview themes, including Supplier Tail, Risk and Compliance, Process Optimization, Price and Payment Terms.
Onboarding auto-reg catalog-third-section Insights overview Handbook English spend-fifth-section
Classification Feedback Tool: Approver’s Guide
Follow the step-by-step guide to easily handle reclassification requests in Sievo. Learn how to split, approve and cancel requests
3 min
Spend analytics Course auto-reg catalog-second-section Classification Feedback tool Classification solutions-second-section English spend-third-section
How to Create Long-term Rules
This video will explain how our AI updates the heuristic decisions and creates new ones.
9 min
Course Super user catalog-second-section Classification solutions-second-section English spend-third-section
Spend Analytics Deep Dive
In this course we go through Spend Analytics dashboards, their benefits and use cases.
41 min
Spend analytics Course catalog-second-section solutions-first-section English spend-second-section
How to: Review New Classification Decisions
In this course you will learn how to review recent classification decisions in Sievo
2 min
Spend analytics Course auto-reg catalog-second-section Classification solutions-second-section English spend-third-section
How to: Review Supplier's Spend Classification
In this course you will learn how to review specific supplier's spend classification
5 min
Spend analytics Course auto-reg catalog-second-section Classification solutions-second-section English spend-third-section
Spend Analytics Learning Path
Learn the basics of Spend Analytics as well as dig deeper into the topic. The learning path consists of the following courses: Get started with Sievo, Basics of Spend Analytics, Spend FAQ & Glossary, Spend Analytics Dashboards Deep Dive and Basics of Classification.
5 Courses
Basics Learning path Spend analytics catalog-first-section English spend-first-section
Basics of Market Benchmarking
Learn how to track market data insights together with your purchasing data in Sievo, and how to manage the market data in Sievo.
9 min
Course Market benchmarking catalog-second-section solutions-eleventh-section English
Empower your Procurement Finance!
Take a look at Sievo's Materials Forecasting solution, which provides you a forward-looking view on your direct spend
3 min
public-first-section English
Introduction to the Super User Certificate Program
Account Manager Shreyashree Sanjeevi explains the process of Sievo's Super User Certificate Program and gives examples of the content!
1 min
public-second-section English
Basics of Realized Savings Measurement
Learn the basics of Realized Savings Measurement including the concept of Sievo SavingsBridge™
8 min
Course catalog-second-section Realized Savings Measurement solutions-tenth-section English
Classification Playbook
Introduction to Sievo classification approach, heuristics tool, reclassification, AI methods, dashboards, user permissions and governance model
Playbook Classification English
Learn how to build your own custom dashboards in Sievo
4 min
Course General #craftboards English
Track and influence Sievo development
Our roadmap ideas portal allows you to track Sievo development, give feed on planned features and receive live updates on development progress.
Tips General English
How to track CO2e emission reductions in SPM
With the help of this video you'll learn how to use Sievo's Saving Program Management to track emission reduction projects.
3 min
SPM Course catalog-second-section Savings Program Management solutions-third-section English
PO Analytics Playbook
Overview of the Sievo PO Analytics dashboards, tips on how to validate PO data and investigate PO value deviations.
Playbook catalog-third-section PO Analytics English
Profundice en el análisis de gastos
En este curso repasamos los paneles de Spend Analytics, sus beneficios y casos de uso.
41 min
Spend analytics Course Spanish
Commencez avec Sievo
Dans ce cours, vous découvrirez les bases de l'utilisation d'Analytics dans Sievo : navigation dans les tableaux de bord, application des sélections, création de vos propres graphiques à l'aide du libre-service et des craftboards, et enregistrement des signets.
10 min
Course General French
Aprofundamento do Sievo Spend Analytics
Neste curso, examinamos os painéis do Spend Analytics, seus benefícios e casos de uso.
41 min
Spend analytics Course Portuguese
Conheça os fundamentos de como as classificações são gerenciadas no Sievo através de cinco aulas.
11 min
Course Classification Portuguese
So überprüfen Sie die Ausgabenklassifizierung eines Lieferanten
In diesem Kurs erfahren Sie, wie Sie die Ausgabenklassifizierung eines bestimmten Lieferanten überprüfen
5 min
Course Classification German
Craftboards (DE)
Erfahren Sie, wie Sie in Sievo Ihre eigenen benutzerdefinierten Dashboards erstellen
4 min
Course General German
Como revisar a classificação de gastos de um fornecedor
Neste curso você aprenderá como revisar a classificação de gastos de um fornecedor específico
5 min
Course Classification Portuguese
Lernen Sie in fünf Lektionen die Grundlagen der Klassifizierungsverwaltung in Sievo kennen.
15 min
Course Classification German
Grundlagen des Sievo Savings Program Management
In diesem Kurs gehen wir das Eingabeformular, die Projektliste und die Grundlagen von SPM-Dashboards durch und lernen, wie wir die Einsparprojekte während ihres gesamten Lebenszyklus verwalten
27 min
Course Savings Program Management German
Self service (ES)
En este curso aprenderá a crear sus propios gráficos utilizando el autoservicio Sievo, lo que le permitirá realizar análisis potentes desde cualquier ángulo.
6 min
Course General Spanish
Self service (FR)
Dans ce cours, vous apprendrez à créer vos propres graphiques en utilisant le libre-service Sievo, vous permettant ainsi d'effectuer des analyses puissantes sous n'importe quel angle.
6 min
Course General French
Conozca los conceptos básicos de cómo se gestionan las clasificaciones en Sievo a través de cinco lecciones.
18 min
Course Classification Spanish
Craftboards (ES)
Aprenda a crear sus propios paneles personalizados en Sievo
4 min
Course General Spanish
Craftboards (FR)
Apprenez à créer vos propres tableaux de bord personnalisés dans Sievo
4 min
Course General French
Comece com o Sievo
Neste curso, você aprenderá os fundamentos do uso do Analytics no Sievo: navegação nos painéis, aplicação de seleções, criação de seus próprios gráficos usando autoatendimento e craftboards e salvamento de marcadores.
12 min
Course General Portuguese
Sievo Spend Analytics - qu'est-ce que cela m'apporte?
Regardez cette courte vidéo pour en savoir plus sur les avantages de Sievo Spend Analytics
2 min
Spend analytics Course French
Classification (FR)
Apprenez à connaître les bases de la gestion des classifications dans Sievo à travers cinq leçons
11 min
Course Classification French
So verfolgen Sie die Reduzierung der CO2e-Emissionen in Sievo SPM
Mithilfe dieses Videos erfahren Sie, wie Sie das Saving Program Management von Sievo nutzen können, um Projekte zur Emissionsreduzierung zu verfolgen.
3 min
Course Savings Program Management German
Navigieren in Sievo Analytics
In diesem Kurs werden Sie durch die Grundlagen der Verwendung von Analytics in Sievo geführt – Navigieren in den Dashboards, Anwenden von Auswahlen und Speichern von Lesezeichen.
7 min
Course General German
Cómo revisar la clasificación de gastos de un proveedor
En este curso aprenderá cómo revisar la clasificación de gastos de proveedores específicos.
5 min
Course Classification Spanish
Eingehender Einblick in die Ausgabenanalyse
In diesem Kurs gehen wir auf Spend Analytics-Dashboards, ihre Vorteile und Anwendungsfälle ein.
42 min
Spend analytics Course German
Noções básicas de Sievo Savings Program Management
Neste curso, examinaremos o formulário de entrada, a lista de projetos e os conceitos básicos dos painéis SPM e aprenderemos como gerenciar os projetos de poupança ao longo de seu ciclo de vida.
27 min
Course Savings Program Management Portuguese
Recursos útiles para un viaje exitoso a Sievo
Eche un vistazo a este catálogo de recursos útiles que le ayudarán a lo largo de su viaje Sievo
6 min
Tips General Spanish
Recursos úteis para uma jornada Sievo bem-sucedida
Dê uma olhada neste catálogo de recursos úteis que irão ajudá-lo em sua jornada no Sievo.
6 min
Tips General Portuguese
Conceptos básicos del análisis de gastos
En este curso, analizaremos qué significa el análisis de gastos y explicaremos cómo se define el gasto en Sievo.
9 min
Spend analytics Course Spanish
Materials Forecasting User Guide
This user guide will help you to understand how to create, manage and adjust forecasts in Sievo's Materials Forecasting module.
catalog-third-section Materials Forecasting Handbook English
Craftboards (PT-BR)
Aprenda como construir seus próprios painéis personalizados no Sievo.
4 min
Course General Portuguese
Naviguer dans Sievo Analytics
Dans ce cours, vous découvrirez les bases de l'utilisation d'Analytics dans Sievo: navigation dans les tableaux de bord, application des sélections et enregistrement des signets.
7 min
Course General French
Navegando por Sievo Analytics
En este curso, se le guiarán por los conceptos básicos del uso de Analytics en Sievo: navegar por los paneles, aplicar selecciones y guardar marcadores.
7 min
Course General Spanish
Nützliche Ressourcen für eine erfolgreiche Sievo-Reise
Werfen Sie einen Blick in diesen Katalog mit nützlichen Ressourcen, die Ihnen auf Ihrer Sievo-Reise behilflich sein werden
6 min
Tips General German
Noções básicas de análise de gastos
Neste curso discutiremos o que significa análise de gastos e veremos como os gastos são definidos no Sievo.
9 min
Spend analytics Course Portuguese
Beginnen Sie mit Sievo
In diesem Kurs werden Sie durch die Grundlagen der Verwendung von Analytics in Sievo geführt – Navigieren durch Dashboards, Anwenden von Auswahlen, Erstellen eigener Diagramme mithilfe von Self service und Craftboards sowie Speichern von Lesezeichen.
17 min
Course General German
Cómo realizar un seguimiento de las reducciones de emisiones de CO2e en Sievo SPM
Con la ayuda de este video aprenderá cómo utilizar la Gestión del Programa de Ahorro de Sievo para realizar un seguimiento de los proyectos de reducción de emisiones.
3 min
SPM Course Spanish
Sievo Spend Analytics - o que isso traz para mim?
Assista a este pequeno vídeo para saber mais sobre os benefícios do Sievo Spend Analytics
2 min
Spend analytics Course Portuguese
Comience con Sievo
En este curso, se le guiarán por los conceptos básicos del uso de Analytics en Sievo: navegar por los paneles, aplicar selecciones, crear sus propios gráficos utilizando autoservicio y tableros de trabajo, y guardar marcadores.
17 min
Course General Spanish
Einführung in das Benutzerzertifikatprogramm von Sievo Spend Analytics
Group Product Manager Roni Koskinen heißt Sie zum Spend Analytics-Benutzerzertifikatprogramm von Sievo willkommen und gibt Ihnen Tipps für den Start Ihrer Sievo-Reise!
1 min
Spend analytics Course German
Live Training: Delivery Performance
Learn how delivery data can be tracked and leveraged for supplier relationship and performance development
48 min
Delivery Performance English Live Training livetraining-first-section
Self service (PT-BR)
Neste curso você aprenderá como criar seus próprios gráficos usando o Sievo Self service, permitindo fazer análises poderosas de qualquer ângulo.
6 min
Course General Portuguese
Bases de Sievo Savings Program Management
Dans ce cours, nous passerons en revue le formulaire de saisie, la liste de projets et les bases des tableaux de bord SPM et apprendrons à gérer les projets d'économies tout au long de leur cycle de vie.
27 min
Course Savings Program Management French
Live Training: PO Analytics
Get introduced to how to get the best out of Purchase Order data and analytics in Sievo
49 min
Course PO Analytics English Live Training livetraining-first-section
Sievo Spend Analytics: ¿qué gano yo con esto?
Mire este breve vídeo para conocer los beneficios de Sievo Spend Analytics
2 min
Spend analytics Course Spanish
How to use Materials Forecasting
Learn how to create a new forecast or budget round, how to manage existing rounds, how to adjust the forecast and much more!
9 min
Course catalog-second-section Materials Forecasting solutions-seventh-section English
Como rastrear as reduções de emissões de CO2e no Sievo SPM
Com a ajuda deste vídeo você aprenderá como usar o Saving Program Management da Sievo para rastrear projetos de redução de emissões.
3 min
Course Savings Program Management Portuguese
Live Training: Savings Opportunities into Action
Learn how to find savings opportunities with the help of Sievo Spend Analytics and insights, and how to turn savings ideas into action.
90 min
Spend analytics Course Savings Program Management English Live Training livetraining-first-section
Self service (DE)
In diesem Kurs erfahren Sie, wie Sie mithilfe des Sievo self service Ihre eigenen Diagramme erstellen, sodass Sie aus jedem Blickwinkel leistungsstarke Analysen durchführen können
6 min
Course General German
Grundlagen der Ausgabenanalyse
In diesem Kurs besprechen wir, was Ausgabenanalyse bedeutet und gehen darauf ein, wie Ausgaben in Sievo definiert werden.
9 min
Spend analytics Course German
Bases de l'analyse des dépenses
Dans ce cours, nous discuterons de ce que signifie l'analyse des dépenses et expliquerons comment les dépenses sont définies dans Sievo.
9 min
Spend analytics Course French
Realized Savings Measurement Playbook
Overview of the Sievo Realized Savings Measurement module, including details of substitutions, currency & market impacts and analytics dashboards.
auto-reg Playbook catalog-third-section Realized Savings Measurement English
Ressources utiles pour un voyage Sievo réussi
Parcourez ce catalogue de ressources utiles qui vous aideront tout au long de votre voyage Sievo
6 min
Tips General French
Navegando no Sievo Analytics
Neste curso, você aprenderá os fundamentos do uso do Analytics no Sievo - navegando nos painéis, aplicando seleções e salvando marcadores.
7 min
Course General Portuguese
Sievo Spend Analytics – was habe ich davon?
Sehen Sie sich dieses kurze Video an, um mehr über die Vorteile von Sievo Spend Analytics zu erfahren
2 min
Spend analytics Course German
Classification Feedback Tool User Management
Learn how to manage users in the classification feedback tool.
3 min
Course auto-reg User management Super user Classification Feedback tool Classification solutions-second-section English
Introduction au programme de certificat d'utilisateur Sievo Spend Analytics
Roni Koskinen, chef de produit du groupe, vous souhaite la bienvenue dans le programme de certificat d'utilisateur Sievo Spend Analytics et vous donne des conseils pour démarrer votre aventure Sievo!
1 min
Course General French
Conceptos básicos de la Sievo Savings Program Management
En este curso, revisaremos el formulario de entrada, la lista de proyectos y los conceptos básicos de los paneles de SPM y aprenderemos cómo gestionar los proyectos de ahorro a lo largo de su ciclo de vida.
27 min
Course Savings Program Management Spanish
Exploration approfondie de l’analyse des dépenses
Dans ce cours, nous passons en revue les tableaux de bord Spend Analytics, leurs avantages et leurs cas d'utilisation.
42 min
Spend analytics Course French
Update of Ecoinvent & Exiobase Factors 11/2023 and Future
CO2 Analytics catalog-third-section English
Shared Supplier Parenting Conventions
This guide elucidates the shared parenting conventions for Sievo’s Supplier data and is applicable to customers utilizing the new Supplier Service and parenting.
5 min
auto-reg FAQ English
How to Reduce Scope 3 Emissions, Simply Explained!
Learn how to start reducing scope 3 emissions.
10 min
CO2 Analytics catalog-third-section English
Bookmarks Handbook
Introduction to the purpose, benefits, key logic and workflows of Sievo bookmarks
auto-reg catalog-third-section Insights overview General Handbook English
Basics of Savings Program Management
In this course we'll go through the input form, project list and basics of SPM dashboards and learn how to manage the savings projects throughout their lifecycle
27 min
Course catalog-second-section Savings Program Management catalog-second-section-sav solutions-third-section English
Empower your Procurement Finance
Take a look at Sievo's Materials Forecasting solution, which provides you a forward-looking view on your direct spend
3 min
catalog-second-section solutions-seventh-section English
Webinar: Leveraging Sievo CO2 Analytics for Impactful Decarbonization
Listen to Heta Pirttijärvi (VP of Product) and Katri Karjalainen (Presales Solution Consultant) explain how to leverage Sievo CO2 Analytics for actionable decarbonization.
24 min
CO2 Analytics catalog-third-section solutions-fifth-section English Webinar
Sustainable Procurement 101 Workbook
Ready to take on your sustainable procurement journey? We’re here to guide you! This workbook includes conversation topics to evaluate your direction and a step-by-step action plan to setting a road map for responsible procurement.
Responsible sourcing Sustainability CO2 Analytics ESG auto-reg catalog-third-section Whitepaper English
Materials Forecasting Playbook
Introduction to Materials Forecasting in Sievo. Learn about key logic and functionalities and how to create and adjust rounds.
Playbook catalog-third-section Materials Forecasting English
How to Create the Perfect Support Ticket
Tips on what to include into your support ticket to ensure fast resolution times
2 min
Tips Super user English
Supplier Diversity in Procurement
This white paper discusses supplier diversity, a proactive procurement strategy that encourages organizations to include minority owned businesses that are underrepresented in their supply base.
Diversity auto-reg catalog-third-section Whitepaper English
Sievo Analytics Quick start
Get a short introduction to the basics of navigating in Sievo and learn how to filter data, export charts and save bookmarks.
5 min
Course auto-reg home-first-section General English
Sievo Super User 101
Introduction to super user tasks and tips for building user adoption.
5 min
Course Super user English
Useful resources for a successful Sievo journey
Glance through this catalogue of useful resources that will help you throughout your Sievo journey
6 min
Tips Spend analytics Course English
Spend Analytics User Certificate
You are almost there! After completing all courses in the path, you are ready for the final exam and to earn your certificate!
Spend analytics Course
Certificado de usuario de Sievo Spend Analytics
¡Ya casi has llegado! Después de completar todos los cursos del camino, ¡está listo para el examen final y para obtener su certificado!
Sievo Spend Analytics Benutzerzertifikat
Du bist fast am Ziel! Nachdem Sie alle Kurse des Pfades abgeschlossen haben, sind Sie bereit für die Abschlussprüfung und den Erwerb Ihres Zertifikats!
Certificat utilisateur Sievo Spend Analytics
Tu es presque là! Après avoir terminé tous les cours du parcours, vous êtes prêt pour l’examen final et pour obtenir votre certificat!
Certificado de usuário do Sievo Spend Analytics
Você está quase lá! Depois de concluir todos os cursos do caminho, você estará pronto para o exame final e para ganhar seu certificado!
Beginnen Sie mit Sievo
In diesem Kurs werden Sie durch die Grundlagen der Verwendung von Analytics in Sievo geführt – Navigieren durch Dashboards, Anwenden von Auswahlen, Erstellen eigener Diagramme mithilfe von Self service und Craftboards sowie Speichern von Lesezeichen.
17 min
Course General German
Grundlagen des Sievo Savings Program Management
In diesem Kurs gehen wir das Eingabeformular, die Projektliste und die Grundlagen von SPM-Dashboards durch und lernen, wie wir die Einsparprojekte während ihres gesamten Lebenszyklus verwalten
27 min
Course Savings Program Management German
So verfolgen Sie die Reduzierung der CO2e-Emissionen in Sievo SPM
Mithilfe dieses Videos erfahren Sie, wie Sie das Saving Program Management von Sievo nutzen können, um Projekte zur Emissionsreduzierung zu verfolgen.
3 min
Course Savings Program Management German
Basics of Spend Analytics
In this course we'll discuss what spend analysis means and go through how spend is defined in Sievo.
9 min
Basics Spend analytics Onboarding Course catalog-second-section solutions-first-section English spend-second-section
Spend Analytics Deep Dive
In this course we go through Spend Analytics dashboards, their benefits and use cases.
41 min
Spend analytics Course catalog-second-section solutions-first-section English spend-second-section
Introduction to the Spend Analytics User Certificate Program
Group Product Manager Roni Koskinen welcomes you to Sievo's Spend Analytics User Certificate Program and gives guidance to kickstarting your Sievo journey!
1 min
Spend analytics Course English
Sievo Spend Analytics - what’s in it for me?
Watch this short video to learn about the benefits of Sievo Spend Analytics
2 min
Spend analytics Course solutions-first-section English
Self service
In this course you'll learn how to create your own charts using Sievo self service, allowing you to do powerful analysis from any angle
6 min
Course General English
Useful resources for a successful Sievo journey
Glance through this catalogue of useful resources that will help you throughout your Sievo journey
6 min
Tips Spend analytics Course English
Navigating Sievo Analytics
In this course, you will be walked through the basics of using Analytics in Sievo - navigating the dashboards, applying selections, and saving bookmarks.
7 min
Course General English
Spend Analytics User Certificate
You are almost there! After completing all courses in the path, you are ready for the final exam and to earn your certificate!
Spend analytics Course
Get to know the basics of how classifications are managed in Sievo through five lessons.
22 min
Spend analytics Course catalog-second-section Classification solutions-second-section English spend-third-section
Learn how to build your own custom dashboards in Sievo
4 min
Course General #craftboards English
Introducción al programa de certificación de usuario de Sievo Spend Analytics
Roni Koskinen, gerente de productos del grupo, le da la bienvenida al programa de certificación de usuario de Spend Analytics de Sievo y le brinda orientación para iniciar su viaje con Sievo.
1 min
Spend analytics Course Spanish
Sievo Spend Analytics: ¿qué gano yo con esto?
Mire este breve vídeo para conocer los beneficios de Sievo Spend Analytics
2 min
Spend analytics Course Spanish
Conceptos básicos del análisis de gastos
En este curso, analizaremos qué significa el análisis de gastos y explicaremos cómo se define el gasto en Sievo.
9 min
Spend analytics Course Spanish
Profundice en el análisis de gastos
En este curso repasamos los paneles de Spend Analytics, sus beneficios y casos de uso.
41 min
Spend analytics Course Spanish
Conozca los conceptos básicos de cómo se gestionan las clasificaciones en Sievo a través de cinco lecciones.
18 min
Course Classification Spanish
Self service (ES)
En este curso aprenderá a crear sus propios gráficos utilizando el autoservicio Sievo, lo que le permitirá realizar análisis potentes desde cualquier ángulo.
6 min
Course General Spanish
Craftboards (ES)
Aprenda a crear sus propios paneles personalizados en Sievo
4 min
Course General Spanish
Navegando por Sievo Analytics
En este curso, se le guiarán por los conceptos básicos del uso de Analytics en Sievo: navegar por los paneles, aplicar selecciones y guardar marcadores.
7 min
Course General Spanish
Recursos útiles para un viaje exitoso a Sievo
Eche un vistazo a este catálogo de recursos útiles que le ayudarán a lo largo de su viaje Sievo
6 min
Tips General Spanish
Certificado de usuario de Sievo Spend Analytics
¡Ya casi has llegado! Después de completar todos los cursos del camino, ¡está listo para el examen final y para obtener su certificado!
Sievo Spend Analytics – was habe ich davon?
Sehen Sie sich dieses kurze Video an, um mehr über die Vorteile von Sievo Spend Analytics zu erfahren
2 min
Spend analytics Course German
Lernen Sie in fünf Lektionen die Grundlagen der Klassifizierungsverwaltung in Sievo kennen.
15 min
Course Classification German
Grundlagen der Ausgabenanalyse
In diesem Kurs besprechen wir, was Ausgabenanalyse bedeutet und gehen darauf ein, wie Ausgaben in Sievo definiert werden.
9 min
Spend analytics Course German
Eingehender Einblick in die Ausgabenanalyse
In diesem Kurs gehen wir auf Spend Analytics-Dashboards, ihre Vorteile und Anwendungsfälle ein.
42 min
Spend analytics Course German
Einführung in das Benutzerzertifikatprogramm von Sievo Spend Analytics
Group Product Manager Roni Koskinen heißt Sie zum Spend Analytics-Benutzerzertifikatprogramm von Sievo willkommen und gibt Ihnen Tipps für den Start Ihrer Sievo-Reise!
1 min
Spend analytics Course German
Navigieren in Sievo Analytics
In diesem Kurs werden Sie durch die Grundlagen der Verwendung von Analytics in Sievo geführt – Navigieren in den Dashboards, Anwenden von Auswahlen und Speichern von Lesezeichen.
7 min
Course General German
Self service (DE)
In diesem Kurs erfahren Sie, wie Sie mithilfe des Sievo self service Ihre eigenen Diagramme erstellen, sodass Sie aus jedem Blickwinkel leistungsstarke Analysen durchführen können
6 min
Course General German
Craftboards (DE)
Erfahren Sie, wie Sie in Sievo Ihre eigenen benutzerdefinierten Dashboards erstellen
4 min
Course General German
Nützliche Ressourcen für eine erfolgreiche Sievo-Reise
Werfen Sie einen Blick in diesen Katalog mit nützlichen Ressourcen, die Ihnen auf Ihrer Sievo-Reise behilflich sein werden
6 min
Tips General German
Sievo Spend Analytics Benutzerzertifikat
Du bist fast am Ziel! Nachdem Sie alle Kurse des Pfades abgeschlossen haben, sind Sie bereit für die Abschlussprüfung und den Erwerb Ihres Zertifikats!
Como rastrear as reduções de emissões de CO2e no Sievo SPM
Com a ajuda deste vídeo você aprenderá como usar o Saving Program Management da Sievo para rastrear projetos de redução de emissões.
3 min
Course Savings Program Management Portuguese
Noções básicas de Sievo Savings Program Management
Neste curso, examinaremos o formulário de entrada, a lista de projetos e os conceitos básicos dos painéis SPM e aprenderemos como gerenciar os projetos de poupança ao longo de seu ciclo de vida.
27 min
Course Savings Program Management Portuguese
Comece com o Sievo
Neste curso, você aprenderá os fundamentos do uso do Analytics no Sievo: navegação nos painéis, aplicação de seleções, criação de seus próprios gráficos usando autoatendimento e craftboards e salvamento de marcadores.
12 min
Course General Portuguese
Spend Analytics Deep Dive
In this course we go through Spend Analytics dashboards, their benefits and use cases.
41 min
Spend analytics Course catalog-second-section solutions-first-section English spend-second-section
Get Started with Sievo
In this course, you will be walked through the basics of using Analytics in Sievo - navigating the dashboards, applying selections, creating your own charts using self service and craftboards, and saving bookmarks.
17 min
Basics Onboarding Course home-first-section General English amat-first-section
Spend FAQ & Glossary
Find answers to the frequently asked questions regarding Spend Analytics and a glossary of the most important spend metrics.
10 min
Spend analytics Super user catalog-second-section General FAQ Glossary solutions-first-section English spend-second-section amat-second-section
Get to know the basics of how classifications are managed in Sievo through five lessons.
22 min
Spend analytics Course catalog-second-section Classification solutions-second-section English spend-third-section
Basics of Spend Analytics
In this course we'll discuss what spend analysis means and go through how spend is defined in Sievo.
9 min
Basics Spend analytics Onboarding Course catalog-second-section solutions-first-section English spend-second-section
Sievo Spend Analytics - qu'est-ce que cela m'apporte?
Regardez cette courte vidéo pour en savoir plus sur les avantages de Sievo Spend Analytics
2 min
Spend analytics Course French
Classification (FR)
Apprenez à connaître les bases de la gestion des classifications dans Sievo à travers cinq leçons
11 min
Course Classification French
Exploration approfondie de l’analyse des dépenses
Dans ce cours, nous passons en revue les tableaux de bord Spend Analytics, leurs avantages et leurs cas d'utilisation.
42 min
Spend analytics Course French
Bases de l'analyse des dépenses
Dans ce cours, nous discuterons de ce que signifie l'analyse des dépenses et expliquerons comment les dépenses sont définies dans Sievo.
9 min
Spend analytics Course French
Introduction au programme de certificat d'utilisateur Sievo Spend Analytics
Roni Koskinen, chef de produit du groupe, vous souhaite la bienvenue dans le programme de certificat d'utilisateur Sievo Spend Analytics et vous donne des conseils pour démarrer votre aventure Sievo!
1 min
Course General French
Naviguer dans Sievo Analytics
Dans ce cours, vous découvrirez les bases de l'utilisation d'Analytics dans Sievo: navigation dans les tableaux de bord, application des sélections et enregistrement des signets.
7 min
Course General French
Self service (FR)
Dans ce cours, vous apprendrez à créer vos propres graphiques en utilisant le libre-service Sievo, vous permettant ainsi d'effectuer des analyses puissantes sous n'importe quel angle.
6 min
Course General French
Craftboards (FR)
Apprenez à créer vos propres tableaux de bord personnalisés dans Sievo
4 min
Course General French
Ressources utiles pour un voyage Sievo réussi
Parcourez ce catalogue de ressources utiles qui vous aideront tout au long de votre voyage Sievo
6 min
Tips General French
Certificat utilisateur Sievo Spend Analytics
Tu es presque là! Après avoir terminé tous les cours du parcours, vous êtes prêt pour l’examen final et pour obtenir votre certificat!
Basics of Savings Program Management
In this course we'll go through the input form, project list and basics of SPM dashboards and learn how to manage the savings projects throughout their lifecycle
27 min
Course catalog-second-section Savings Program Management catalog-second-section-sav solutions-third-section English
Get Started with Sievo
In this course, you will be walked through the basics of using Analytics in Sievo - navigating the dashboards, applying selections, creating your own charts using self service and craftboards, and saving bookmarks.
17 min
Basics Onboarding Course home-first-section General English amat-first-section
How to track CO2e emission reductions in SPM
With the help of this video you'll learn how to use Sievo's Saving Program Management to track emission reduction projects.
3 min
SPM Course catalog-second-section Savings Program Management solutions-third-section English
Bases de Sievo Savings Program Management
Dans ce cours, nous passerons en revue le formulaire de saisie, la liste de projets et les bases des tableaux de bord SPM et apprendrons à gérer les projets d'économies tout au long de leur cycle de vie.
27 min
Course Savings Program Management French
Commencez avec Sievo
Dans ce cours, vous découvrirez les bases de l'utilisation d'Analytics dans Sievo : navigation dans les tableaux de bord, application des sélections, création de vos propres graphiques à l'aide du libre-service et des craftboards, et enregistrement des signets.
10 min
Course General French
Comment suivre les réductions d'émissions de CO2e dans Sievo SPM
À l'aide de cette vidéo, vous apprendrez à utiliser la gestion des programmes d'économies de Sievo pour suivre les projets de réduction des émissions.
3 min
SPM Course French
Comience con Sievo
En este curso, se le guiarán por los conceptos básicos del uso de Analytics en Sievo: navegar por los paneles, aplicar selecciones, crear sus propios gráficos utilizando autoservicio y tableros de trabajo, y guardar marcadores.
17 min
Course General Spanish
Cómo realizar un seguimiento de las reducciones de emisiones de CO2e en Sievo SPM
Con la ayuda de este video aprenderá cómo utilizar la Gestión del Programa de Ahorro de Sievo para realizar un seguimiento de los proyectos de reducción de emisiones.
3 min
SPM Course Spanish
Conceptos básicos de la Sievo Savings Program Management
En este curso, revisaremos el formulario de entrada, la lista de proyectos y los conceptos básicos de los paneles de SPM y aprenderemos cómo gestionar los proyectos de ahorro a lo largo de su ciclo de vida.
27 min
Course Savings Program Management Spanish
Aprofundamento do Sievo Spend Analytics
Neste curso, examinamos os painéis do Spend Analytics, seus benefícios e casos de uso.
41 min
Spend analytics Course Portuguese
Navegando no Sievo Analytics
Neste curso, você aprenderá os fundamentos do uso do Analytics no Sievo - navegando nos painéis, aplicando seleções e salvando marcadores.
7 min
Course General Portuguese
Craftboards (PT-BR)
Aprenda como construir seus próprios painéis personalizados no Sievo.
4 min
Course General Portuguese
Self service (PT-BR)
Neste curso você aprenderá como criar seus próprios gráficos usando o Sievo Self service, permitindo fazer análises poderosas de qualquer ângulo.
6 min
Course General Portuguese
Conheça os fundamentos de como as classificações são gerenciadas no Sievo através de cinco aulas.
11 min
Course Classification Portuguese
Sievo Spend Analytics - o que isso traz para mim?
Assista a este pequeno vídeo para saber mais sobre os benefícios do Sievo Spend Analytics
2 min
Spend analytics Course Portuguese
Recursos úteis para uma jornada Sievo bem-sucedida
Dê uma olhada neste catálogo de recursos úteis que irão ajudá-lo em sua jornada no Sievo.
6 min
Tips General Portuguese
Certificado de usuário do Sievo Spend Analytics
Você está quase lá! Depois de concluir todos os cursos do caminho, você estará pronto para o exame final e para ganhar seu certificado!
Noções básicas de análise de gastos
Neste curso discutiremos o que significa análise de gastos e veremos como os gastos são definidos no Sievo.
9 min
Spend analytics Course Portuguese
Useful resources for a successful Sievo journey
Glance through this catalogue of useful resources that will help you throughout your Sievo journey
6 min
Tips Spend analytics Course English
Spend Analytics User Certificate
You are almost there! After completing all courses in the path, you are ready for the final exam and to earn your certificate!
Spend analytics Course
Certificado de usuario de Sievo Spend Analytics
¡Ya casi has llegado! Después de completar todos los cursos del camino, ¡está listo para el examen final y para obtener su certificado!
Sievo Spend Analytics Benutzerzertifikat
Du bist fast am Ziel! Nachdem Sie alle Kurse des Pfades abgeschlossen haben, sind Sie bereit für die Abschlussprüfung und den Erwerb Ihres Zertifikats!
Certificat utilisateur Sievo Spend Analytics
Tu es presque là! Après avoir terminé tous les cours du parcours, vous êtes prêt pour l’examen final et pour obtenir votre certificat!
Certificado de usuário do Sievo Spend Analytics
Você está quase lá! Depois de concluir todos os cursos do caminho, você estará pronto para o exame final e para ganhar seu certificado!